New myths about what yoga and the poses themselves can do for you are popping up all the time. Here, Yoga Physics founder Alexandria Crow debunks a few of her favorites. Yoga studios don’t often hand out pamphlets explaining what yoga is or what you may gain from it. Yoga and its practices are often …
The Question Teachers Week 1
Target Tight + Weak Spots: A New Way To Do Bow Pose
Bryant Park Yoga is back in New York City for its 12th season, featuring teachers curated by Yoga Journal. This week’s featured instructor is Alexandria Crow, who taught at Bryant Park last week. There are many parts of the body that can limit a student’s ability to approach Bow Pose (Dhanurasana): tight shoulders, pecs, quads, hip …
#YJ40: 5 Over-the-Hill Alignment Cues
Reflecting on 40 years, we asked Alexandria Crow which alignment cues have passed their prime. She makes a strong case for retiring these five. My teacher taught me one thing that I will always be grateful for above all else: He demanded that I have a reason for everything I say and do when teaching …
How To Practice Side Plank B & Actually Grab Your Foot (Infographic)
Side Plank B (Vasisthasana B) is one of my favorite (yet sneakily challenging) arm balances. It requires incredible strength and stable flexibility — a combination of two of the most important points in overall physical health and of course, when practicing yoga asana. The final posture isn’t always attainable to new and even the most …