How To Pop Up In A Handstand (And Actually Hold It There!)

Handstand (Adho Mukha Vrksasana) is one of the most sought after and yet, elusive poses in yoga these days. With over a decade of gymnastics experience, I can attest that kicking up to a wall will not lead you to Handstand. Most students get stuck at the wall for years practicing the wrong alignment. And then, …

Alignment Cues Decoded: “Wrist Creases Parallel”

The way you position your hands on the ground impacts not only the rest of the posture but also the health of your joints. Teacher trainer Alexandria Crow breaks down what this commonly used cue misses about doing it safely and how you can do better.   A gymnast for most of my youth, I …

Alignment Cues Decoded: “Relax Your Glutes”

“Soft,” “relaxed” glutes never had an inspiring ring to Alexandria Crow until she really understood the anatomy behind the less-than-clear alignment cue.   There are all sorts of cues given about the gluteals in yoga. “Soften the glutes,” “draw the buttock flesh down,” etc. As a student, these cues always conjure visions of a saggy …

Patanjali Never Said Anything About Limitless Flexibility

To outsiders yoga appears to be all about flexibility, but teacher Alexandria Crow says it’s so much more. (And yes, there is such a thing as too flexible.) It’s one of the first excuses I run across out in the world of people who don’t practice yoga. The conversation usually starts with someone asking what …

Alignment Cues Decoded: “Engage Your Core”

Yoga teacher Alexandria Crow delves into what your teacher really wants you to do when you hear this cue—and it’s “not navel to spine.”   In our culture, a strong core is something mostly associated with a beautiful bikini or swimsuit body, washboard abs, etc. I see the term on the cover of almost every …